Achieving national recognition for the Capilla del Arte was a key objective. The goal was to promote Latin American art in Puebla to increase attendance among 17 to 25-year-olds with a medium-high socioeconomic status at the Capilla del Arte within a one-year period. Additionally, fostering a sense of belonging to the Capilla del Arte among these young people was a priority over the course of the year.
Promotional Campaign
The PESO model would be implemented by placing billboards in airports to showcase Capilla del Arte UDLAP's works and encouraging social media users to share their experiences. Capilla del Arte would be featured on platforms that recommend it as a key spot for Latin American art in Mexico and in magazines like Chilango, México Desconocido, and TimeOut. Media events would include news appearances, with influencer Paty Cascar, an ex-Udlap student, promoting the space on social media. Additionally, three activations are planned to engage young audiences both within and outside the university, with these events being documented and shared widely via social media using the campaign hashtag #ViveElArte.